My first #MicroBlogMonday
In looking at different types of blog link-ups, I stumbled across this idea of microblogging and Microblog Mondays. The basic idea is to just take something that is on your mind, write up a quick paragraph on it and publish it. #MicroblogMondays is a link-up that was created by Melissa at Stirrup Queens. You can read more about the ideas behind Microblog Mondays here: What is #MicroblogMondays.
As soon as I came across this idea, I knew I wanted to participate. I have started so many blog posts that I just couldn’t finish and had writer’s block so many times. The idea of just writing whatever is on my mind, similar to a social media post (although I share a lot more openly on here than on social media) is freeing. I feel like I can write something even if I don’t have the time or focus to write a lengthier post.
I am revamping my blog right now with more of a structure for blog content. Check out my About page for more information about the blog and what to expect, and feel free to ask me any questions you may have. I am really excited about connecting with other readers and writers through this blog!
My current idea for a blog schedule is as follows:
Monday – MicroBlog Mondays
Tuesday/Wednesday – Personal reflections and think pieces
Thursday – Tips, tricks and strategies that I have found helpful for managing mental health and managing life’s chaos
Friday – Goal day, checking in with progress on personal goals