
Day 2: Sunday Routines

Happy Sunday! I am back for day 2 of my February blogging challenge, and once again I feel a lot of resistance to sitting down and working on my blog. I m hoping that by pushing through these feelings, I will get myself back into the writing habit and blogging here will once again feel more natural. Or maybe, I will always feel that resistance and never want to post here regularly again. I guess time will tell.

Today is Sunday, which has me reflecting on my normal Sunday routines. I am still miserably sick today, so I will not be going anywhere, but typically I would be heading down the street to my adorable little church for Sunday Mass right now. Going to Mass every Sunday has brought me so much peace since returning to the Church. There are plenty of Sundays that I might rather stay in bed, especially after a long night of taking care of my toddler and little sleep, but I am always grateful when I make it to Mass anyway.

I first started going to church as I was searching for meaning the summer after my dad died. At that point, I didn’t really know what I believed or if I believed in anything, but I was trying to figure it out. I started at the Episcopal Church in town, which seemed less intimidating to me than the Catholic Church while I was still figuring out my beliefs. I had already dropped out of the Catholic RCIA program in college when I realized I wasn’t completely sure of my beliefs, I didn’t need a repeat.

I researched local churches and found every bit of information that I could on the church before I went. The first time, I only made it as far as the parking lot. I realized that I had never gone to church without my mom by my side and my grief took over. The next time, Calvin came with me and I was able to walk in the door. After that, I started to attend every Sunday and I looked forward to my time in church.

There is so much more that I could write about this topic, but right now it is bringing up a lot of emotions for me. I am going to pause this post here, and check this off as fulfilling day 2 of my blogging challenge. Perhaps I will write more on this topic another day.

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