Creating a Back to School Command Center
It is hard to believe it is already time for Back to School! Summer seemed to fly by this year. In getting ready for a new school year, I really wanted to create a create a more organized homework station/command center for Ryan.
Looking on Pinterest, there are tons of creative ideas. I would have loved to come up with some new creative idea that was super Pinterest-worthy, but instead I have created a pretty basic homework station. Here is what we have:
I picked up blueish paper and pen holders from T.J.Maxx. I wanted to keep pens/pencils/markers easily accessible and have a spot for any important papers or library books that come home from school.
On the side of the cabinet, I used a picture frame and a blank calendar template to create a dry erase calendar. I am hoping that this will help us keep track of important dates for the month. Cal and I both use Google calendars on our phones, but I wanted to use a calendar method that Ryan can glance at easily as well. I also used velcro dots to stick a dry erase board above the calendar for us to write any messages or reminders on (since I am short, the ability to take it down to write is important for me).
The last part of my back to school organizing is the Homework Drawer. I have this great built-in hutch in my dining room that is currently very underutilized. Since Ryan usually does homework at the dining room table, the hutch seemed like the perfect place to store paper and any additional school supplies he might need at home. I used plastic organizers (also purchased at TJ Maxx) to keep everything in the drawer in place.

When I was looking for ideas for organizing, I found a lot of great ideas on Pinterest. Ultimately, keeping it simple works best for us, but here are some links to other bloggers’ ideas if you want to be a bit more creative: