Friday Goal Day
Right now this blog is all over the place and really just something that I update whenever I have a spare moment. At the moment, I am only blogging for me. However, I would love to eventually use this blog as a possible way to connect with others and maybe build a community. In order to do that, first I need to get myself back to blogging consistently. To help me do that, I have been brainstorming about a content schedule a lot over the past few days.
One thing that is really helpful to me, would be to have a set day to check in about and refine my goals. This helps keep me accountable and prevents me from forgetting about my goals or feeling aimless. In the future, if I build up a readership, I would love to hear about other bloggers’ goals as well. So if you’re reading this, do you have any goals you’re working on? If so, leave a link to a post about them in the comments below!
From now on, on this blog, every Friday is going to be Goal Day (maybe I will come up with a catchier name, any suggestions?). This week, I need to come up with and clarify what my current goals are. I am trying to focus on creating clear, measurable goals, so that I can post updates on my progress every week.
For now, I am starting with three goals. I don’t want to commit to too many goals and then have some things fall through the cracks, so I will revisit the number of goals I have next week. I have broken each goal area down into end goals and mini goals that will help me along the way. Let’s see how this goes.
Current Goals
1. Writing – I love writing and need to make time to write more and do so consistently.
END GOAL: Write a consistent blog and build up a readership. Write the book that I promised Ryan I would write.
MINI GOALS: Write on this blog at least three days a week. Write the first chapter of the book for Ryan.
2. Weight Loss – I was doing well with weight loss and made it back to my pre-pregnancy weight, but then I lost my focus and regained about 10 pounds. My current weight is 182 lbs, my ultimate goal is to get back down to about 130 lbs, so I have about 50 lbs to lose.
END GOAL: Lose 50 lbs and get down to 130 lbs.
MINI GOALS: Keep a food log. Exercise for an hour at least three days a week. Take 10,000 steps a day with my FitBit.
3. Driving – Living where I live, driving is a necessity and I have let my anxiety hold me back for too long.
END GOAL: Get my driver’s license.
MINI GOAL: Go driving with Cal at least one day a week.
My hope is that by focusing on these goals and checking in about them every week, I will be able to stay committed and get closer to achieving my goals and bettering myself.
What about you? What goals are you working on right now? Post about them below in the comments or link to a blog post about your goals.