• Places

    10 Must Do Things in Littleton NH

    The first time that we visited Littleton, we were drawn to the area because we wanted to explore the Northern part of the state and Littleton seemed like such a charming little town. The World’s Longest Candy Counter being located on Main Street also drew us in. We didn’t really know what else to do in town though, and although we had an amazing trip, we missed out on a lot of the great things that Littleton has to offer. People travel from all over to visit Littleton. To see the quaint mountain town with a bustling Main Street. Right now it is leaf peeper season, and coach buses drop…

  • Places

    Music in the Glad Town – Tour Guide Tuesday

    Littleton, NH prides itself on being “the Glad Town”.  It is the birthplace of the author of Pollyanna, and the town has really embraced the Pollyanna attitude.  One of the many ways this can be seen around town is through music.  The first time I ever visited Littleton, we didn’t really explore Main Street, but we did go into Chutter’s (the candy store with the World’s Longest Candy Counter).  On the way out of the store, I noticed a piano painted with vibrant colors and patterns.  I wasn’t sure if it was parked there by a street musician or if it was owned by the store.  I never even realized…

  • Places

    Music on Main Street – Sunday Snapshot

    One of my favorite things about Littleton is how they really embrace their identity as “the Glad Town”.  One of the many ways you can see this is through music.  There are colorful pianos all up and down Main Street painted with different designs saying “Be Glad. Make Music.”     For a more detailed post about Music on Main Street in Littleton, check back on Tuesday. This blog is participating in the Sundays in my City link up.  To see photo posts from other bloggers’ communities, click the button below.