• Places

    The Basin – Tuesday Tour Guide

    Henry David Thoreau described the Basin in Franconia Notch as “perhaps the most remarkable curiosity of its kind in New England”. Samuel Eastman said it was “one of the beautiful haunts of Nature, a luxurious and delicious bath fit for the ablutions of a goddess.” I have lived in New England for most of my life and had never heard of it until moving up here. The first time we heard the BasinĀ  mentioned was when Ryan’s class couldn’t make it to their field trip due to a road closure, so they picnicked at the Basin. I didn’t give the place much thought until some friends mentioned how beautiful it…

  • Places

    The Basin – Sunday Snapshots

    Since moving up here, we’ve heard people mention the Basin. Ryan’s class even had a picnic there when a road closure prevented them from getting to their field trip destination. A few Sundays ago, we didn’t have any plans, so we went for a little drive. As we drove past the sign for the Basin (about 15 minutes from our house), we decided to stop and see what it was. Who knew we could find so much beauty for free right on the side of the highway? We didn’t even have to hike in, it was just right there for anyone to enjoy (which is good because a few of…