• Personal

    Turning the Page

    It has been about a year since my last post on this blog. 2020 was quite the year. It was a year in which i was so overwhelmed by the events going on around me and the demands of meeting the needs of my loved ones, that I couldn’t bring myself to write. I was so concerned with finding the exact right words to convey something, that even when I did have moments in which I could have been writing – I didn’t allow myself to. Even if no one ever read my words, I approached writing as if I was writing for an audience, and no words I could…

  • Fiction,  Prose

    The Talisman

    The little white door blended in seamlessly with the wall around it, and Lucy probably wouldn’t have even noticed it if Connor didn’t point it out to her. It was small, the top of the door was level with the top of her head and it was maybe only a foot wide. In place of a doorknob, there were two latches – a tarnished old slide latch and a shiny and new-looking latch with a lock. Connor pulled a small key out of his pocket and started fumbling with the lock. Lucy looked at the door and wondered what could possibly be hiding behind it. It was much too small…

  • Fiction,  Prose

    Fairy Judgment

    This post is a response to an assigned writing prompt for my local writing group. We had to respond to the question “In what way do you judge strangers before getting to know them?” through the eyes of characters in our writing. I answered this question using some of the characters from the novel that I have drafted and am currently working on editing. “Fairies are always so judgey,” the creature complained. “We are not ‘judgey’!” Maeve argued. “Judgey isn’t even a proper word. How would a groundling like you even know what fairies are really like? I can’t imagine that you have many fairies visiting you in this…place.” Maeve…

  • Nonfiction,  Personal,  Prose


    It has been a crazy couple of months, and sadly I have completely lost my writing routine. I have a long and ever growing list of posts that I want to write for this blog, and yet every time I sit down in front of the computer, I feel completely blocked. I was in a great blogging rhythm right up until I took a break from my blog to participate in National Novel Writing Month in November. Clearly, I should have made more of an effort to to stay current on this blog, because I completely fell out of the habit of posting here – and I really love continually…

  • Personal

    Back to Writing

    I spent the month of November writing pretty much constantly, and yet I completely dropped the ball on updating this blog. November was National Novel Writing Month, a challenge to complete 50,000 words of a novel in 30 days. I made my goal and wrote 51,000 words of my novel in November, but it was tough. I do not typically have time to just sit down and write, so almost all of that writing happened in 10 minute spurts when I had the chance to pick up my phone. That meant that it felt like I was writing all day, every day, in between all my other daily responsibilities and…

  • Fiction,  Prose

    Know the Novel: Introducing Misfit Magic

    I feel like I have really found my groove with writing again recently. For the past few years, any time I sat down to write, I would feel guilty and like my time was better spent doing something else.  The act of pulling out my computer became a task associated with finishing my thesis and high levels of stress. I have always loved writing, but for a while I found every excuse available to avoid writing.  I am so happy to be back writing again.  I rediscovered the joy in writing.  There are still a million reasons for me to put off writing, but I feel  more committed to writing…

  • Nonfiction,  Prose

    A Happy Place

    Turning on the news lately makes me want to scream, but like a tragic roadside accident, I cannot look away.  There is so much that I want to say, but I can’t.  I am afraid that if I open the floodgates even a little, I will never be able to close them again. All of those words, memories and tears will just come falling out and I won’t be able to stop them. So instead, I focus on my happy place. For years, my happy place was not a real place at all.  Instead it was a state of mind that I could take anywhere.  I would put my headphones…

  • Personal

    Welcome 2018!

    Okay, so it isn’t exactly a “new” year, we are already one month in, but 2017 is over and 2018 is here! The New Year always seems to bring with it plenty of reflection on the past year and a slew of New Year’s resolutions.  However, for many people, those reflections and resolutions are soon forgotten.  It becomes so easy to slip back into the daily grind and old habits and routines are just so much easier to fall back on. Personally, I find that goals are useful all year long and goals with a smaller scope are much more attainable than goals for an entire year.  Goals are also…

  • Archived

    Friday Goal Day

    Right now this blog is all over the place and really just something that I update whenever I have a spare moment.  At the moment, I am only blogging for me.  However, I would love to eventually use this blog as a possible way to connect with others and maybe build a community.  In order to do that, first I need to get myself back to blogging consistently.  To help me do that, I have been brainstorming about a content schedule a lot over the past few days. One thing that is really helpful to me, would be to have a set day to check in about and refine my…