The Dinner Party Guests (fiction)
It all started with a dinner party. Five young couples coming together for an evening of dinner, drinks, and maybe a seance. The host was Arthur Pearson, son of a prominent banker in the city, destined to fill his father’s shoes. Throwing such dinner parties was something of a sport for Arthur, who loved throwing his family money and influence around to get others to do what he wished. No one would refuse a dinner invite from a Pearson. Arthur was fascinated by the results of bringing different people together who would normally never find themselves in the same room. He also was fascinated by the trends of the Spiritualism…
Today was a long, busy day filled with cleaning, homeschooling, kids making constant demands, and entertaining friends. On days like today, I don’t have a lot of time to just sit down and write (which is why I am forcing myself to sit up and write this now at nearly 11 pm). However, I did have a chance to write some ideas for a story down in a notebook. I wasn’t really looking for a story to write – but this story keeps calling to me, begging to be written. I am eager to write it and see where it takes me. I am energized and excited by the prospect…
Rumblings (fiction write)
We like to think that we have the whole world mapped and figured out. Battling governments having laid claim to every inch of free land that they can find. Point to any place on a map and people are likely to be able to offer some rudimentary knowledge or generalization about the area or people. We like to think that we know our neighbors, any surprises that exist must be far away from us. Humans like to believe that they know everything there is to know. There will always be those people who are eager to claim authority and expertise, to spout off as if they have all the answers.…
Creative energy lacking
Today was rough, not for any overarching reason, it is just part of life and parenting. Some days go great and others just don’t. Lately, there are a lot of rough days, the kind of days where I just want to collapse in bed as soon as I finally get the kids to sleep. The last thing I want to do is sit at a computer writing something that I don’t even have the creative energy for (which is what I am doing right now). When I say that it was a rough day, I don’t really mean terrible or even bad – more exhausting. I am fortunate enough to…
Streak Broken
It is 2:30 am and I just realized that I didn’t get a blog post out yesterday. So naturally, I jumped out of bed and grabbed my computer. I may have broken the streak officially, and I will need to start fresh, but at least I can keep with the spirit of the goal and get up and write something before the new day really starts. Normally, I would have gone back to bed. The blogging streak has been broken, I can start fresh in the morning and save my energy now. However, I know myself and I know that as soon as I just let it go and allow…
Making time to write
It can be difficult to find the time to writer, especially with kids. Before I could even finish typing that sentence, I had the four year old yelling for me from her room. My kids are both incredibly sweet, but they have a habit of clinging to me. When my four year old was younger I called her my “velcro baby” and the velcro behavior still continues aside from the couple of hours she goes to preschool each day. Yesterday, I sat down to write and almost immediately had both my four year old and my dog climb into my lap. Something similar happens each time I start to write.…
What makes a hometown?
“Where are you from?” or “What’s your hometown?” is a question that I have struggled in figuring out how to answer for a lot of my life. For those who don’t spend their lives in one set place, how does one determine what their hometown is? Is it the place where you are born or the place you spent the most time in? Is it the place where you graduated high school and became an adult? Or is it the place where you first start growing up as a kid or preteen? Is it the place where you find yourself and feel happiest even if that isn’t until well into…
Who I Am
As a mom, it becomes all too easy to let that role define who I am. To define myself by my relationships with other people. To see myself as a mother, a wife, a daughter – rather than just me. I still remember the day one of my psych professors asked the class to write down a list of who they are. Studies have shown that women are significantly more likely than men to identify themselves through their relationships, and that certainly held true for me. Although the activity made the difference clear, it also made me feel like there was something wrong with my choices and perceptions. The more…
Turning the Page
It has been about a year since my last post on this blog. 2020 was quite the year. It was a year in which i was so overwhelmed by the events going on around me and the demands of meeting the needs of my loved ones, that I couldn’t bring myself to write. I was so concerned with finding the exact right words to convey something, that even when I did have moments in which I could have been writing – I didn’t allow myself to. Even if no one ever read my words, I approached writing as if I was writing for an audience, and no words I could…
Yarn Mazes and Snowy Sundays
The kids decided to start a snowy Sunday off by creating a yarn maze around my entire house. It is always great to see them working so sweetly together, and they put a lot of thought into the creation of their maze. It certainly kept them entertained, so that Cal and I could enjoy a slightly slower start to our morning. It is amazing how busy our family has been since moving to northern New Hampshire. The stereotype that the Northern part of the state has nothing going on could not be further from the truth for us. It was nice to slow down a little bit on Sunday and…