Back to Writing
I spent the month of November writing pretty much constantly, and yet I completely dropped the ball on updating this blog. November was National Novel Writing Month, a challenge to complete 50,000 words of a novel in 30 days. I made my goal and wrote 51,000 words of my novel in November, but it was tough. I do not typically have time to just sit down and write, so almost all of that writing happened in 10 minute spurts when I had the chance to pick up my phone. That meant that it felt like I was writing all day, every day, in between all my other daily responsibilities and commitments. I may have burned myself out on writing just a little bit. But, hey, I have 51,000 words of my novel written, which is exactly the kind of kick start I needed!
I fully intended to jump back into updating this blog regularly as soon as Nanowrimo ended. Yet, 20 days later, I still have not put any posts up. I have pulled up WordPress so many times over the past few weeks, but have not been able to focus on what to write. The rush of the holidays has not helped either, it feels like Christmas came out of nowhere this year.
I may have disappeared online for a little over a month, but never fear, I am still here. There are still quite a few posts that I want to fit in over the next week and a half, so look out for those over the next few days and consider this my commitment to resume regular postings!