Fall at Remich Park – Littleton NH
Remich Park is one of my favorite places in Littleton. I fell in love with this park on one of our first visits to Littleton. It is tucked away on a hill, just a few blocks above Main Street. The park has relaxing green space, benches and picnic tables, playing fields and tennis courts, a gazebo, and a playground. It is a community gathering place where kids of all ages can run and play and the town comes together for concerts, athletic events, and community events. The park has something to offer in every season, but my favorite season has always been Fall – both at the park and in general.

Fall is such a magical time of year. The air is crisp and cool and beautiful colors cover the trees. It feels like the perfect time of year for growth, new beginnings, and spending time with family. At the park, this time of year brings homecoming gatherings, bonfires, happy families, and students studying their surroundings. My kids have loved going to the park as much as possible since we moved to Littleton. They would happily spend hours playing at the park and on the playground any day.

The playground at the park is old, but full of fun and delights for my kids. A big change is coming this week though, and it is something I should probably prepare my three year old for. On Saturday, this playground that my kids have loved so much, is coming down. They are having a community work day to take the playground apart, and then auctioning off the playground equipment. It will be sad for my kids to lose the playground that they love, but it is all for good because a brand new playground will take its place in the spring. In the same way that the colorful leaves will eventually fall from the trees to make way for new leaves in the spring, the playground has to go to make way for newer and better things. I can’t wait to see what the new playground will be like.