Henniker Chili Festival – Sundays in My City
I have been playing around with different ideas for blog content this past week, and came across a cool blog link-up called Sundays in My City. This seems like a great way to share a little bit of where I live (and a good excuse to explore my surroundings), so I am super excited to participate! I live in a tiny town in rural New Hampshire, so my Sunday posts will probably be from all over my general area.
Today, we went to the Henniker Chili Festival on Pat’s Peak in Henniker, NH. Cal is from Texas and feels very strongly about chili. He is also a foodie in general. So he was really excited when he heard about the Chili Festival. He thought about entering his own chili, but we only found out about it the week before and decided to just go and check it out.

Overall, it was a really great time and I am glad we had the opportunity to go. They had a great turn-out and I think there were about 45 different chili booths. We went around all the booths for our samples so we could vote on which ones we thought were the best.
I am not a foodie at all, so my thoughts were either “good”, “weird” or “too spicy”. Cal, on the other hand could pinpoint exactly what ingredients were used and noted what worked best. Ryan even tried four bites of different chilis, which really impressed me. He has never even tried chili at home when Cal makes it, and he is always reluctant to try new things, so I was very proud of him.

We also hung out in the Kid Zone where Ryan had a blast in the bounce house and Saoirse played with bubbles. It was even a great way opportunity for Cal to meet some of the other people in our area with shared interests.
I think my favorite part of the day was the gorgeous views (one of the perks of holding an event at a ski resort I guess!).