Kid-free for a few days – and a new roof!
Both of my kids are visiting family in Maine right now. They are staying for a few days and I don’t even know what to do with myself. This is the first time I have really been away from Saoirse since she was born 2.5 years ago. When I asked her if she wanted to have a sleepover with Ryan and grandma, she was really excited. I know that she will be totally fine, especially with her big brother there to help her. I was still a little nervous about dropping her off though.
I am really looking forward to having a few days where I can do what I want to without worrying about the kids. One of the first stops I plan to make is the Littleton Library. We have a really cool looking library here, but all I have ever seen of it is the kid’s section. Whenever we go, I spend the entire time chasing Saoirse around. The children’s section of the library is great, but I have heard the rest of the library is also good – and I would love a chance to check it out for myself.
Cal and I also talked about going to see something at the Colonial Theater in Bethlehem and then checking out Rek’-Lis Brewing Company across the street. The Colonial Theater is one of the oldest continually operating theaters in the country and is also a local gem that we haven’t had a chance to check out yet. They show independent movies and also host live performances and community events. Rek’-Lis Brewing is a cool looking brewery that just opened up this year. I have heard great things and whenever we drive by they are always packed, but we wanted to check out both places sans kids. Of course, when I went to the websites for both places, I discovered that the Colonial is no longer showing the film we wanted to see, and Rek’-Lis is closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays (our two kid free nights this week).
There are so many amazing places to check out in our area and I am looking forward to exploring without the kids for a day or two. Cal and I also talked about going to check out Tim-Bir Alley, a fine dining farm-to-table restaurant in Littleton and I am looking forward to it.
I am also hoping I will fit in a lot of time to write since I don’t have kids needing me every second of the day for once. I just need to make sure that I don’t waste all of my time cleaning and organizing, although I am sure I will do quite a bit of that as well.
We also finally have a new roof on our house! Our house needed a new roof badly when we bought it in May, but we had to wait until now for a contractor to be able to fit us in (contractors are really busy up here). I love looking at our new roof and it is great to not wake up to roofers hammering the roof every morning. It is also great to go outside and enjoy my deck and yard without construction equipment everywhere!