• Nonfiction,  Personal,  Prose

    Finding Stability and Home – Part Three, My Dream House

    In early March, after losing out on a property that Cal really liked, he pointed out another new property that had come on the market.  I had already shown him the listing for the property before our last trip up north to look at houses, but he had immediately told me it was old and overpriced, so he wasn’t interested in seeing it.  Apparently he hadn’t paid much attention the first time I showed it to him beyond the age of the home and the price. Now he was excited about the house.  It was a beautiful, well-maintained home in an absolutely perfect location.  There is not another property anywhere…

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  • Nonfiction,  Personal,  Prose

    Finding Stability and Home – Part Two, Our House Hunting Journey

    Cal and I have been house hunting off and on for about three years now.  Circumstances changed at different times, so we weren’t able to be seriously looking for that entire three year period.  We initially looked to buy right when we were first moving to New Hampshire.  We looked at houses and made offers.  Our initial location criteria were the best school districts in the state and being centrally located for jobs.  After a few months of looking we decided to get a rental before the new school year started so that we could all be together.  Our rental was in a small town in the Sunapee/Kearsarge area of…

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  • Nonfiction,  Personal,  Prose

    Finding Stability and Home – Part One

    I have moved around a lot (not as much as some, but still far more than I would have liked).  During those ice breaker activities in college, I never knew where to say I was from.  The main places I have lived were all in New England, so I usually just said New England.  Once someone called me out on that and said I must be too embarrassed of whatever state I was from, so I was being intentionally vague.  I had to explain that I was born in New Hampshire, lived in Connecticut through most of elementary school, lived in Rhode Island for grades 4-8, and then lived in…

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  • Personal

    Moving Forward

    I have big, exciting news. We are moving! We are about to close on our new house. There are a lot of great changes coming, a new house, new neighborhood, new town and new school for Ryan. I am pretty confident that this is going to be a great move all around, but I also know that it will bring a lot of tough changes for Ryan. I have moved around a lot in my life. In college, I never knew where to say I was from. I was born in New Hampshire and spent equal amounts of time living in Connecticut, Rhode Island and Massachusetts. I longed for a…

  • Personal

    Welcome 2018!

    Okay, so it isn’t exactly a “new” year, we are already one month in, but 2017 is over and 2018 is here! The New Year always seems to bring with it plenty of reflection on the past year and a slew of New Year’s resolutions.  However, for many people, those reflections and resolutions are soon forgotten.  It becomes so easy to slip back into the daily grind and old habits and routines are just so much easier to fall back on. Personally, I find that goals are useful all year long and goals with a smaller scope are much more attainable than goals for an entire year.  Goals are also…

  • Wellness

    A Road Map to Mental Health and Wellness

    There is no one size fits all solution to mental health.  If we could wave a magic wand and all be happier and healthier, I am sure that everyone would do it.  However, there are strategies that you an use and things that you can be mindful of that will increase your mental well-being. Over the next few months, I will be posting articles with advice on dealing with anxiety and depression, and how to achieve better mental health.  All of the advice that I will give will fit somewhere into the following key steps. Embrace imperfection Know yourself and challenge yourself Get out of your head Create goals and…

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  • Personal

    Back to School – A Journey of Beginnings

    Back to school brings with it a flurry of paperwork, school supplies and brand new expectations.  It also seems to serve as a marker of our kids’ growth.  Ryan hasn’t changed that much over the last couple of months and yet I now look at him as a third grader.  Somehow, third grade feels so much bigger than second. I still remember Ryan’s first day of preschool. First, we tried a preschool/childcare center which was a very bad fit for him.  A few months later, he started a language based preschool program through the public school that was the perfect fit for him.  He was so small and vulnerable at…

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  • Archived

    Friday Goal Day – August 25, 2017

    Overall, this has been a good week.  My biggest goal for the week was to write consistently and I definitely achieved that goal.  However, I didn’t even really think about my weight loss goal, and I am not planning to work on driving until September when Ryan is back in school.  I feel happy with my writing, but it is clear that I need to tweak my goals a little bit. For writing, I blogged every day except Thursday and also outlined the chapters of a book and wrote half of the first chapter.  I have a lot of ideas in my head, but I don’t have nearly enough time…

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  • Personal

    A Messy House and a Vicious Cycle

    Right now I am sitting in a room that is sweltering hot next to a sleeping baby who will wake up if she feels my leg move away from her foot.  We haven’t had many hot days this summer, but when we do, the lack of air conditioning makes them unbearable.  A few minutes ago, I felt like I couldn’t breathe, not because of the heat, but because my anxiety has been overwhelming me. Why? I don’t have any looming deadlines or anything that I am dreading coming up.  Why then, do I feel like I am in the grips of anxiety today? The days when I can’t figure out…

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