Turning the Page
It has been about a year since my last post on this blog. 2020 was quite the year. It was a year in which i was so overwhelmed by the events going on around me and the demands of meeting the needs of my loved ones, that I couldn’t bring myself to write. I was so concerned with finding the exact right words to convey something, that even when I did have moments in which I could have been writing – I didn’t allow myself to. Even if no one ever read my words, I approached writing as if I was writing for an audience, and no words I could put together felt enough for that imagined audience.
I love writing. I truly do. Ever since I was a child, picking up a pen and a piece of paper was guaranteed way to bring peace to my soul. As I have gotten older, it became more difficult to make time for that writing. I felt like if I was going to write something, it should be accomplishing something or working towards a goal. I denied myself that blissful soul peace and layered on some guilt for not being productive with my skill.
So I’m saying “screw it”. I need to write. Not for anyone else, but for me. I need to get back to my own writing voice and allow myself some of that soul peace that I have so long denied myself. I enjoy using this blog as a platform, even if no one ever reads it. I need the motivation to get my words out. If someone stumbles across this blog and wants to read the words that I write, then that’s great. If someone has a problem with something I write, or is bored, or thinks my writing is bad – then they can go ahead and close the page. From now on, I need to write for me.
I am challenging myself to make a blog post on here every day. I would love to see how long I can keep up a daily writing streak. For now, I need to rediscover my voice. I am not setting any guidelines for what each daily post may include. Some days I might write a piece of fiction or poetry. Other days it may be a reflection, a commentary, or something fun that I did. I could post a recipe or project that I am working on. I could post a couple of words and call it a day. Right now, the important thing for me is that I write something every day. So here it goes, let’s see how I do.
Day 1 of my attempted blogging streak.