
Back to blogging

It has been 6 months since my last blog post (through some glitch in my blog, my old posts are showing up as newly posted, but they were actually posted in June 2016).  Clearly, my goal of blogging at least four times a week did not work out for me.  I found fitting writing into my daily routine more difficult than I anticipated.  Now, it is a new year and I am ready to recommit myself to blogging.  My new goal is to have a new blog post up by 9 am, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

In the past six months, I have made a little bit of progress on each of my stated goals, but not as much as I would like.  I hope to keep myself more accountable by blogging more frequently.

Here is my progress so far:

1. Driving – I have made progress mentally, but haven’t really logged much time behind the wheel in the past 6 months.  I have worked through some of my anxiety issues in theory, now I need to get back behind the wheel and work on actually driving more.  I hope to fit in time for at least one driving session during this coming week.

2. Thesis – This is a goal that I have made pretty decent progress with so far.  Since my last blog post, I have completed the first three chapters of my thesis, and they have all been approved by my thesis advisor.  I am not at the recruitment/data collection phase of my project.  I need to conduct a minimum of 12-15 interviews, then write the final two chapters of my thesis about my findings.  I need to have everything completed and signed off on by May 30 of this year or I will never receive my degree, so this goal is a very high priority.

3. Weight loss – I have lost 18 pounds in the past 6 months.  I was 206 lbs, and currently weigh 188 lbs. This is not nearly as much progress as I would like to have made, but at least I am moving in the right direction.  I met my initial goal of getting back under 200 lbs, my next goal is to get back to my prepregnancy weight of 170 lbs.  I still need to commit myself to a regular fitness routine.  Hopefully, this will help speed up my progress toward my weight loss goals.

4. Getting organized – This is a more difficult goal to clearly see.  I am slightly more organized than 6 months ago, but there is a lot more that I still need to do.

5. Making friends – I haven’t really made much progress in this area.  I have talked a little more to the moms at Ryan’s school, but mostly I still really struggle with making friends.

These five goals were my focus 6 months ago, and they are just as much my focus now.  A new goal that I plan to focus on in this coming year, is making sure that I fit in more quality one on one time with Ryan.  He has done such a wonderful job adjusting to being a big brother.  Unfortunately the baby’s needs tend to take precedence and he and I haven’t been able to spend much quality alone time together, something that he really wants and needs.