Happy New Year 2020!
2019 was a pretty good year for my family and I am looking forward to see what 2020 brings us. The past year brought a lot of growth and smiles, with relatively few tears.
Among the many goals that I have for the next year, I want to get organized, lose weight, and create more.
In terms of organization, I would like to:
- create more regular routines that work for my family and help me to be more productive
- use my planner more consistently for staying on top of everything that I need to do
- complete weekly home organization projects that have been mostly sitting on the back burner for the past year
I also plan to continue to focus on getting more healthy and losing weight. As part of this plan, I am going to:
- do more rounds of Whole30. I found the Whole30 approach to be generally effective for me this year and plan to continue with it.
- Hike more (at least once a week) and go to spin classes at least twice a week.
To create, I will:
- write the novel that has been waiting to be written.
- edit the draft of my first WIP
- blog more regularly. I need to come up with a consistent vision and plan for this blog.
- Create regular craft projects with my kids as it is something that we all enjoy.
I also want to take more time to be present and in the moment when playing with my kids, connect more with nature, and read more books. Those are a few of the things that I am looking forward to focusing on in the New Year. Do you have any big plans or goals looming for 2020? Here is to a very happy new year for everyone!