Refocusing – Projects, Places and Personal
My blogging has taken a lot of different forms over the years (most of which I believe I have deleted now). I have blogged about being a college student, being a young mom, raising a child on the spectrum etc.
My most recent iteration of my blog was intended to focus on learning to deal with anxiety and looking at motherhood through the lens of anxiety. At the time when I chose to focus my blog on that, anxiety was consuming my life and I hoped that blogging would be a good coping mechanism. Now I seem to have my anxiety under control and writing about anxiety isn’t particularly helpful for me anymore. So it is time to refocus my blog. Unlike in the past, I am not going to run off and start a brand new blog. I am keeping Plaid Polka Dots, which is a name that I came up with because my son declared that plaid was “his pattern” and polka dots was his sister’s pattern. I still see value in embracing imperfection and “things that clash”, so the name stays. I won’t delete any of my old posts, but I think I will archive them in the Personal category.
I spent a lot of time thinking about what kind of posts I want to put on my blog. Not just what I want to put out there, but what kind of posts will motivate me to sit down and write and allow me to find something to write about on a daily basis. I decided on three categories of posts – projects, places and personal.
PROJECTS – There are a lot of projects that I would like to do, everything from major house projects to simple crafts with my kids. By focusing a section of my site on projects, I hope to motivate myself to follow through with all of those projects and share the results.
PLACES – Since I moved to Littleton, I have felt really passionate about sharing where I live with others. When we were talking about moving here, I scoured the internet for every reference I could find to Littleton, NH. There was some good information, but also a lot of misconceptions and I would have loved to have found a blog by someone already raising kids up here. My hope is that by blogging a lot about where I live, I can help someone else who might be trying to find information about the area. In this section I plan to write extensively about Littleton and the North Country of New Hampshire, but I also plan to post about other places that I visit.
PERSONAL – While I am writing the Projects and Places sections with readers in mind, this section is for me. I enjoy writing blog posts with personal reflections and thoughts and will continue to put those kinds of posts in this category.