• Places

    Beautiful Winter and Bitter Cold – Sunday Snapshots

    My thermometer read – 17°F this morning. It is a bitterly cold day that we are spending cuddled up in the warm indoors. Once the sun warms things up later, we will head out to run errands and enjoy the day. For now though, we will take in the beauty of the outdoors through windows. The brutal cold is truly beautiful though. When temperatures drop below zero, everything looks crisp and the top layer of snow seems to sparkle and shimmer in a whole new way. The winter sun and solid snow cover always make for a pretty winter scene, but there is something especially beautiful about the subzero cold.

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  • Places

    Winter Fun at Remich Park – Littleton NH

    Living in Northern New Hampshire, winter lasts quite a while and it is important to keep kids (and adults) engaged in outdoor winter activities. Littleton does an amazing job providing outlets for those winter activities with skiing, snowshoeing, fatbiking, sledding and ice skating all possible right in the walkable center of town. Today we went to Remich Park with the kids to enjoy the perfect town sledding hill and the ice skating rink. The sledding hill provides the perfect slope for a good long sled. There are even free tubes available for anyone to use down the hill. While we were at the park, there were quite a few other…

  • Places

    Finding Our Perfect Christmas Tree at the Rocks Estate

    What better way to get into the Christmas spirit than to cut down your own Christmas tree? For the past three Christmases, we lived in the Lake Sunapee area of New Hampshire. Each year, we bought our Christmas tree from someone local. It was usually someone who happened to grow Christmas trees in their front yard. There was never much selection, but we found some beautiful trees and Ryan was able to experience cutting down a tree ourselves. This year, we were excited to go to the Rocks Estate to find our perfect tree. Sitting on Christmas Lane in Bethlehem, the Rocks has 1,400 acres of Christmas trees, trails, and…

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  • Personal

    Back to Writing

    I spent the month of November writing pretty much constantly, and yet I completely dropped the ball on updating this blog. November was National Novel Writing Month, a challenge to complete 50,000 words of a novel in 30 days. I made my goal and wrote 51,000 words of my novel in November, but it was tough. I do not typically have time to just sit down and write, so almost all of that writing happened in 10 minute spurts when I had the chance to pick up my phone. That meant that it felt like I was writing all day, every day, in between all my other daily responsibilities and…

  • Places

    Ammonoosuc River – Sunday Snapshots

    NaNoWriMo is in full swing and I have been focusing my writing on my novel this past week. The novel writing is going great, but I haven’t made much time for keeping up with my blog posts. I am dialing back my blog posts for the month of November, but I still plan to check in a few times a week. I will resume the more active blog postings in December. It has been raining a lot here lately and the river is raging. Here are some picture of the river that I took from the covered bridge on Saturday.

  • Fiction,  Prose

    The Patron

    The tired, old bookseller heard the bell over the door ring and looked up from his coffee to see who had entered his shop. He studied the young woman and wondered whether she was just a casual tourist or one of the few who felt the pull from one of the Books hidden on the back shelf. The old man had grown tired of running the shop and now was only open a few hours a week, he often thought about closing it, but he felt a calling to keep it open for those special few who needed it. The woman did not seem to know what she was looking…

  • Places

    Halloween in Littleton NH and the Gathering of the Jack o Lanterns

    It isn’t even Halloween yet, but there has already been plenty of Halloween celebration in the town of Littleton. The search for Golden Pumpkins was a great lead up to the Halloween season, and the big town celebrations happened this past Saturday with the Gathering of the Jack o Lanterns. Saturday was packed with activities. We started off the day at Halloween Fest at the High School where there were games, bounce houses, face painting, pumpkin carving and lots of treats for the kids. The high school was packed and lots of kids were clearly having a great time. After checking out the activity at the high school, Cal hurried…

  • Places

    Gathering of the Jack o Lanterns – Littleton NH

    I have been looking forward to the Gathering of the Jack o Lanterns in Littleton ever since I first heard about it (way before we even moved here). Unfortunately the weather was not cooperative this year. The event went on regardless of weather, but while we were celebrating we were hit with the remains of a Nor’easter, freezing rain, and hail. The wind blew out some of the candles and they weren’t able to get out to all the rocks in the middle of the river to place Jack o Lanterns, but it was still a great event. This blog is participating in the Sundays in my City link up.…

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