
This is where you will find posts about all things personal to me. This section includes posts about interesting things I do or make, reflections on everyday life, and everything in between.

  • Nonfiction,  Personal,  Prose

    All About Me – Blogtober

    This year, I am trying a new challenge called Blogtober. It is a challenge among bloggers to post a new blog post every day for the month of October. I only just found out about this challenge this year, and it reminds me a lot of NaNoWriMo in terms of being a great motivator to write daily. Last year, I tried NaNoWriMo and had a great experience. Unfortunately, I completely neglected my blog while I worked on my novel and have been struggling to get back into a blogging rhythm ever since. I am really hoping that Blogtober will help me rediscover my blogging groove. The suggested prompt for today…

  • Personal

    Summer Sunday – Sunday Snapshots

    Ever since we moved to Littleton (over a year ago now!), it feels like we are constantly doing something. For a while, I was great about making sure to take a picture and post about our adventures on this blog. Sometimes, though, it is just so much easier to just enjoy the moment and not worry about documenting or sharing with others. This is the same reason that I used to post massive albums of our family adventures on Facebook, but now only rarely post. I want to spend my life living it – not just documenting it. With that said, I love this blog and what it can be.…

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  • Personal,  Places

    Memorial Day Weekend – Sunday Snapshots

    Spring has sprung and there is so much going on in our little mountain town. It is Memorial Day weekend and our town is packed with people from all over (but having grown up on Cape Cod, the activity here is nothing like the full-scale tourist invasion that Cape Cod will experience this weekend). We have a busy weekend planned, but the most important part of that is just family time. In Friday, Ryan sang at his school’s Memorial Day celebration and then we spent the evening hanging out with good friends. Yesterday, Ryan and I went to our local small town movie theater (Jax Jr) to see the new…

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  • Nonfiction,  Personal,  Prose


    It has been a crazy couple of months, and sadly I have completely lost my writing routine. I have a long and ever growing list of posts that I want to write for this blog, and yet every time I sit down in front of the computer, I feel completely blocked. I was in a great blogging rhythm right up until I took a break from my blog to participate in National Novel Writing Month in November. Clearly, I should have made more of an effort to to stay current on this blog, because I completely fell out of the habit of posting here – and I really love continually…

  • Personal

    Back to Writing

    I spent the month of November writing pretty much constantly, and yet I completely dropped the ball on updating this blog. November was National Novel Writing Month, a challenge to complete 50,000 words of a novel in 30 days. I made my goal and wrote 51,000 words of my novel in November, but it was tough. I do not typically have time to just sit down and write, so almost all of that writing happened in 10 minute spurts when I had the chance to pick up my phone. That meant that it felt like I was writing all day, every day, in between all my other daily responsibilities and…

  • Personal

    Ten Things of Thankful – Week 2

    This week has had a lot of ups and downs, but I have been really looking forward to doing another Ten Things of Thankful post this week. I love gratitude logging as a mindfulness exercise,  and writing for a public audience really forces me to put more thought into what I am writing. 1. I am thankful for great friends and community. We have a potluck coming up Sunday with a lot of friends in the area and I am really looking forward to it. In the past I have had plenty of social anxiety, but not with this group of people. They are a really great, welcoming and supportive…

  • Nonfiction,  Personal,  Prose


    Resilience. That is the word that has been bouncing in my head this week. As a therapist, it was a word that came up frequently when writing therapy goals and progress notes with clients. It is also one of the behavioral standards that kids are rated on at Ryan’s school. What does it really mean though? Imagine walking across hot coals. If you cry and scream the whole way across, but then keep on walking and are willing to try it again, are you resilient because you bounced back? Or not resilient because you cried and screamed? Do you need to cross the coals without flinching in order to be…

  • Personal

    Ten Things of Thankful

    I have been exploring different blog hops and link-ups lately, and one of the new ones I stumbled across is the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop.  I already keep a Gratitude Log in my bullet journal, so the big change with participating in this blog hop is just finding a community and connecting with others. At first I was hesitant to make a post about things I am grateful for. Although I do often post about how happy I am with our house and new hometown, a tiny part of me worries that posting a list of things that I am thankful for could come across as braggy. The…

  • Personal

    Back to School

    Ryan started fourth grade on Monday.  It really seems like they grow up overnight, check out the difference between the first day of third grade and first day of fourth grade.  I can’t believe I have a fourth grader already! When he was just a little preschooler, school seemed so big and scary.  Each year he has grown more and more and become increasingly independent.  Usually Ryan likes a little bit of extra support and hand holding.  Not this year.  This is the first year that he didn’t ask me to walk him to class.  In fact, I asked him (several times actually) and he was insistent that he wanted…