
This is where you will find posts about places near and far.

  • Places

    October Snow – Sunday Snapshots

    My favorite pictures from this week are from Thursday morning, when we woke up to snow outside. The snow was a little bit of a shock since we weren’t quite ready, but both kids woke up so excited to see all the fresh fallen snow. There is something that just feels magical about a fresh snowfall. We are not quite at the time of year where the snow sticks around for the season yet, so all the snow was gone by the next day. It was a great reminder for me that I need to get my act together and clean and organize winter gear, figure out what fits and…

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  • Places

    The Basin – Tuesday Tour Guide

    Henry David Thoreau described the Basin in Franconia Notch as “perhaps the most remarkable curiosity of its kind in New England”. Samuel Eastman said it was “one of the beautiful haunts of Nature, a luxurious and delicious bath fit for the ablutions of a goddess.” I have lived in New England for most of my life and had never heard of it until moving up here. The first time we heard the Basin  mentioned was when Ryan’s class couldn’t make it to their field trip due to a road closure, so they picnicked at the Basin. I didn’t give the place much thought until some friends mentioned how beautiful it…

  • Places

    The Basin – Sunday Snapshots

    Since moving up here, we’ve heard people mention the Basin. Ryan’s class even had a picnic there when a road closure prevented them from getting to their field trip destination. A few Sundays ago, we didn’t have any plans, so we went for a little drive. As we drove past the sign for the Basin (about 15 minutes from our house), we decided to stop and see what it was. Who knew we could find so much beauty for free right on the side of the highway? We didn’t even have to hike in, it was just right there for anyone to enjoy (which is good because a few of…

  • Nonfiction,  Places,  Prose

    Festival of Colors

    Fall has arrived. School is in session and there is a chill in the air.  Families flock to apple orchards and pumpkin patches.  The lush green of the woods has been replaced by vibrant yellows, oranges, and reds.  The changing colors of the leaves announce the season more clearly than any date on a calendar ever could.  The background of any outdoor picture immediately gives away the season, while tourists line the sides of roads eager to document the beauty of the leaves. You won’t see these colors in Winter, Spring or Summer. In our old town the Fall Foliage Festival was the event that was anticipated all year.  Committees…

  • Places

    Autumn Leaves – Sunday Snapshots

    It is a beautiful Columbus Day weekend here in the White Mountains. All the towns in our area are packed with leaf peepers and it seems like the leaves are cooperating. Everywhere we go there are amazing views and scenery. I am being a little lazy this Sunday and just posting some pictures that I took from my deck and backyard. I never realized how difficult it is to capture the colors of leaves. None of the pictures I took even came close to the real life vibrance. I did get a few good pictures though. This blog is participating in the Sundays in my City link up. To see…

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  • Places

    Apple (and Pumpkin) Picking at Windy Ridge Orchard

    This past weekend, we finally had an opportunity to check out Windy Ridge Orchard in North Haverhill, NH.  Windy Ridge was the closest orchard that I could really find information about online and is about 40 minutes away from our house in Littleton.  I asked around a bit, because a lot of local businesses and orchards do not have an online presence, but Windy Ridge Orchard was highly recommended to me by everyone I talked to. As it turns out, Windy Ridge is much more than just an apple orchard.  They also have blueberry picking, a pumpkin patch, and Christmas trees depending on the season.  There were animals that kids…

  • Places

    A Day at the Orchard – Sundays in My City

    Yesterday, we finally got around to taking the kids apple (and pumpkin) picking.  We went to Windy Ridge Orchard in North Haverhill, NH.  Here are a few pictures from our visit, I will have a lot more to share in my post on Tuesday for Tour Guide Tuesdays. This blog is participating in the Sundays in my City link up.  To see photo posts from other bloggers’ communities, click the button below.

  • Places

    Natives Only – Myths of the North Country

    Myth: The North Country (and to some extent New Hampshire in general) is a place where families have lived for generations.  Everyone knows everyone and if you move there from someplace else, you will permanently be seen as the outsider or “flatlander” who doesn’t belong. Reality: There are many families who have lived here for generations, but also many people who move to the North Country and New Hampshire from all over.  Only 44.7% of New Hampshire residents were born in New Hampshire, and nowhere in the state is there an expectation that everyone is a native.  In our own little town of Littleton, 8.1% of the population (as of…

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  • Places

    Music in the Glad Town – Tour Guide Tuesday

    Littleton, NH prides itself on being “the Glad Town”.  It is the birthplace of the author of Pollyanna, and the town has really embraced the Pollyanna attitude.  One of the many ways this can be seen around town is through music.  The first time I ever visited Littleton, we didn’t really explore Main Street, but we did go into Chutter’s (the candy store with the World’s Longest Candy Counter).  On the way out of the store, I noticed a piano painted with vibrant colors and patterns.  I wasn’t sure if it was parked there by a street musician or if it was owned by the store.  I never even realized…

  • Places

    Music on Main Street – Sunday Snapshot

    One of my favorite things about Littleton is how they really embrace their identity as “the Glad Town”.  One of the many ways you can see this is through music.  There are colorful pianos all up and down Main Street painted with different designs saying “Be Glad. Make Music.”     For a more detailed post about Music on Main Street in Littleton, check back on Tuesday. This blog is participating in the Sundays in my City link up.  To see photo posts from other bloggers’ communities, click the button below.