Apple (and Pumpkin) Picking at Windy Ridge Orchard
This past weekend, we finally had an opportunity to check out Windy Ridge Orchard in North Haverhill, NH. Windy Ridge was the closest orchard that I could really find information about online and is about 40 minutes away from our house in Littleton. I asked around a bit, because a lot of local businesses and orchards do not have an online presence, but Windy Ridge Orchard was highly recommended to me by everyone I talked to. As it turns out, Windy Ridge is much more than just an apple orchard. They also have blueberry picking, a pumpkin patch, and Christmas trees depending on the season. There were animals that kids…
A Day at the Orchard – Sundays in My City
Yesterday, we finally got around to taking the kids apple (and pumpkin) picking. We went to Windy Ridge Orchard in North Haverhill, NH. Here are a few pictures from our visit, I will have a lot more to share in my post on Tuesday for Tour Guide Tuesdays. This blog is participating in the Sundays in my City link up. To see photo posts from other bloggers’ communities, click the button below.
Painting with Apples
It is apple picking season and there are so many different things to do with all those delicious apples kids (or adults!) bring home from the orchards. Aside from eating and baking them, slicing open an apple can be a great learning opportunity for kids and you can use them to make crafts. This week, Saoirse and I sliced open an apple and dipped it into some paint to make some fun prints. This was an activity that we attempted last year during our library’s storytime, but she wasn’t quite ready for it then. This is a craft that works best once your child will not just want to eat…
Natives Only – Myths of the North Country
Myth: The North Country (and to some extent New Hampshire in general) is a place where families have lived for generations. Everyone knows everyone and if you move there from someplace else, you will permanently be seen as the outsider or “flatlander” who doesn’t belong. Reality: There are many families who have lived here for generations, but also many people who move to the North Country and New Hampshire from all over. Only 44.7% of New Hampshire residents were born in New Hampshire, and nowhere in the state is there an expectation that everyone is a native. In our own little town of Littleton, 8.1% of the population (as of…
Music in the Glad Town – Tour Guide Tuesday
Littleton, NH prides itself on being “the Glad Town”. It is the birthplace of the author of Pollyanna, and the town has really embraced the Pollyanna attitude. One of the many ways this can be seen around town is through music. The first time I ever visited Littleton, we didn’t really explore Main Street, but we did go into Chutter’s (the candy store with the World’s Longest Candy Counter). On the way out of the store, I noticed a piano painted with vibrant colors and patterns. I wasn’t sure if it was parked there by a street musician or if it was owned by the store. I never even realized…
Music on Main Street – Sunday Snapshot
One of my favorite things about Littleton is how they really embrace their identity as “the Glad Town”. One of the many ways you can see this is through music. There are colorful pianos all up and down Main Street painted with different designs saying “Be Glad. Make Music.” For a more detailed post about Music on Main Street in Littleton, check back on Tuesday. This blog is participating in the Sundays in my City link up. To see photo posts from other bloggers’ communities, click the button below.
Using a Bullet Journal to Organize Home and Habits
Bullet Journaling methods have become quite trendy in recent years. A quick search on Pinterest will easily yield thousands of results for creative page layouts. A search on Facebook will bring up hundreds of Facebook groups dedicated to sharing and discussing using a bullet journal and page layouts. All of these “bullet journaling” approaches started with Ryder Carrol’s Bullet Journal method, a specific organizational system used with a notebook. If you visit the Bullet Journal website, you can find a step by step breakdown of his method as well as an app, book, and notebook for sale. The popularity of Ryder Carrol’s method inspired many creative and artistic approaches to…
No Jobs? – Myths of the North Country
A common refrain that I hear from people in other parts of the state is that there are no jobs in the North Country. A common refrain I hear from employers up here is that there are not enough workers in the North Country to fill all the jobs. There are those who seem to think that there is nothing up here except mountains and some businesses that cater to tourists. There are also people who are slightly more informed about the area, but believe that ever since the big mills up here closed, there haven’t been any new jobs or businesses. Those ideas are completely wrong. It is true…
Devil’s Hopyard – Tuesday Tour Guide
The Devil’s Hopyard is a site in the White Mountain National Forest. When my friends first asked if we wanted to hike to the Devil’s Hopyard with them, I wasn’t sure what I was getting into. The name sounds intimidating, but the Appalachian Mountain Club’s White Mountain Guide classifies it as an easy hike that is relatively short and flat (only 2.6 miles round trip and 250 feet of elevation gain). The trailhead begins at South Pond Recreation Area in Stark, New Hampshire. The Day Use Area there features a beach, picnic tables and grills. There is a $7/car fee to access the Day Use Area, but since we were…
The Devil’s Hopyard – Sunday Snapshots
Recently we had the chance to hike to the Devil’s Hopyard with friends. The trail is located in the White Mountain National Forest and is accessed from South Pond in Stark, NH. The name sounded ominous, but it turned out to be a gorgeous and fairly easy hike! Keep your eyes out for a more detailed post and description of our hike to the Devil’s Hopyard on Tuesday! This blog is participating in the Sundays in my City link up. To see photo posts from other bloggers’ communities, click the button below.